Fuel will continue to burn even while crafting is halted. If the output tray is full, crafting will be halted until there is space for more items. anvils will craft faster if the character's misc. Times vary by level of the appropriate skill (i.e. Once one type is complete the queue will automatically move to the next type. When the items are completed they will dispense in the 6 output cells in the lower right window. Items will output one at a time per base time until all have been crafted. Up to 4 different recipes can be queued at a time. Selecting the Turn On button will activate the Forge, remove the materials from the character's inventory, place the item in a queue in the bottom left displaying the time to craft all the selected quantity, and begin smelting the new items. Pressing the right arrow with the bar will max the qty to the number of available resources from the character's inventory. Quantity to be crafted can be selected below the item image either by typing in the quantity or by pressing the left and right arrows to increase/decrease the amount by one. Assuming the player has the required materials in their Inventory the recipes will turn white allowing the to be crafted. After either method is done those recipes will have the lock icon will be removed. Some of those same recipes can also be unlocked when the appropriate Perk Books have been read. Other recipes will require Perks to craft them. Recipes may require Forge Tools to be placed into the Tools slots of the Forge before they can be crafted once the Forge Tools are placed additional recipes will become available.

No recipes will show as available if there is no fuel in the forge. Recipes will automatically turn white in color and sort to the top, if the Forge has the ingredients to make them in the "smelting inventory". The search bar at the top left will filter recipes to include all with the same text in the name.

Pressing E on the Forge will display the Recipes in the left-hand window all listed in alphabetical order. In the upper-right corner, a red "X" and "CRUCIBLE REQUIRED" is visible, indicating the item can not be crafted.Ī Crucible is required to craft Forged Steel Forge Recipes In the image below, the Crucible is required but is not present in the forge. While using the Forge without the 3 tools the player will notice the Examine menu pane indicates any required and/or missing tools in the upper-right corner.

#7 days to die library for localization.txt install
Install tools to increase performance or unlock recipes" "Used to smelt metals to craft tools and weapons or stone to craft cement.